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Use spoiler tag instead of hide next time.
OK I'll do that, thank you for advising...
Use spoiler tag instead of hide next time.
choupin, could you please tell us the set numbers?
And in general: Please add file counts to your posts. Than it's easier for us to find out which sets are complete and which not.
I have sorted that out:
The two sets in choupin's first post are:
Beauty of Youth set 003
Beauty of Youth set 004
The others are YoYocams 06-10.
Jessie - Beauty of Youth - Set 001
136 images
Download link replaced 2019-03-25.
Jessie - Beauty of Youth - Set 002
127 images
Download link replaced 2019-03-25.
That's all I have to add...
Thanks Fiatlux !
Thanks for this amazing sharing
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