1 (edited by Drool 2011-07-10 00:44:06)

Topic: Conny

Conny - Alita - Jess - SmileModels

http://s30.postimg.cc/mu4v3v5pp/p1648m02tck9j6pnotetssbr1.jpg  http://s29.postimg.cc/vb40bwcc3/p1648m42in10m11nr1qtpceuugg3.jpg

1 user likes this post1 like

2 (edited by animosityfish 2011-07-10 02:18:33)

Re: Conny

seems she was known as 3 different names each with its own site

Jessica -> Alita -> Conny

will upload what i can get later tonight

President of the Plague of Extraordinary Posters

Do not ask how I get Internet in the Ocean, just know that it is very hard to do

3 (edited by animosityfish 2011-07-10 04:11:15)

Re: Conny

The AngryGuppy strikes again

Conny14 - SPS042 - 44 Pics


As far as I know this set is incomplete

Download link | Pass: !@dirtyfish@!

President of the Plague of Extraordinary Posters

Do not ask how I get Internet in the Ocean, just know that it is very hard to do

4 (edited by animosityfish 2011-07-10 04:56:51)

Re: Conny

Conny & Judy Custom - 199 Pics


Part 2
Pass for complete file: !@dirtyfish@!

President of the Plague of Extraordinary Posters

Do not ask how I get Internet in the Ocean, just know that it is very hard to do


Re: Conny

Conny & Nadine SPS013


3 users like this post3 likes


Re: Conny

Conny & Nadine SPS037 - High Res


2 users like this post2 likes


Re: Conny

Since animosityfish (kudos to him) did not post all Alita sets and his sets are incomplete, I will reupload all Alita sets. Note that my sets may have missing pics too, but still there are more pics than in the original posts.

Alita AKA Conny
sets 1 - 3

http://s18.postimg.cc/q83u3eeud/Alita_01_01.jpg http://s18.postimg.cc/ohpefnmp1/Alita_02_10.jpg http://s18.postimg.cc/9zs77nvdx/Alita_03_01.jpg

1 user likes this post1 like


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 4 - 6

http://s23.postimg.cc/xqwnye0l3/Alita_04_01.jpg http://s23.postimg.cc/64twdph87/Alita_05_01.jpg http://s23.postimg.cc/i7z819saf/Alita_06_07.jpg

set 4 - 34 pics
set 5 - 19 pics (posted by animosityfish)
set 6 - 32 pics (2 missing)


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 7 - 9

http://s1.postimg.cc/ft7romepn/Alita_07_01.jpg http://s1.postimg.cc/id3eiq29n/Alita_08_01.jpg http://s1.postimg.cc/vsqf86arf/Alita_09_01.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 10 - 12

http://s2.postimg.cc/599rzvr5x/Alita_10_03.jpg http://s2.postimg.cc/u19e748cl/Alita_11_02.jpg http://s2.postimg.cc/7rvh0kcw5/Alita_12_06.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 13 - 15

http://s24.postimg.cc/qo1nl91fl/Alita_13_01.jpg http://s24.postimg.cc/u6dnhn2bl/Alita_14_01.jpg http://s24.postimg.cc/ejme49ojl/Alita_15_01.jpg

set 13 - 64 pics (20 missing)
set 14 - 40 pics
set 15 - 43 pics (posted by animosityfish)


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 16 - 18

http://s11.postimg.cc/iupmydr7z/Alita_16_04.jpg http://s11.postimg.cc/3kprr6vpr/Alita_17_001.jpg http://s11.postimg.cc/botai6sr3/Alita_18_001.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 19 - 21

http://s22.postimg.cc/n2azzye0d/Alita_19_001.jpg http://s22.postimg.cc/vyls3w4ml/Alita_20_001.jpg http://s22.postimg.cc/g1n076c8d/Alita_21_005.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 22 - 24

http://s18.postimg.cc/4g35d3wdh/Alita_22_001.jpg http://s18.postimg.cc/jnj4xgo85/Alita_23_001.jpg http://s18.postimg.cc/erfi5ro2t/Alita_24_001.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 25 - 27

http://s8.postimg.cc/6n3uo8j5d/Alita_25_001.jpg http://s8.postimg.cc/9v8c1a5f5/Alita_26_001.jpg http://s8.postimg.cc/hchjghuy9/Alita_27_001.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 28 - 30

http://s16.postimg.cc/nks4aqdg1/Alita_28_001.jpg http://s16.postimg.cc/nytgabxjl/Alita_29_01.jpg http://s16.postimg.cc/q0txokvip/Alita_30_001.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 31 - 33

http://s21.postimg.cc/schuka6hv/Alita_31_014.jpg http://s21.postimg.cc/7ebom76n7/Alita_32_001.jpg http://s21.postimg.cc/me8mnscwz/Alita_33_001.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 34 - 36

http://s12.postimg.cc/wqzr2ut0p/Alita_34_01.jpg http://s12.postimg.cc/l4fn1q5pl/Alita_35_02.jpg http://s12.postimg.cc/tlf5cnaeh/Alita_36_01.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
sets 37 - 39

http://s17.postimg.cc/dbu7z8r23/Alita_37_01.jpg http://s17.postimg.cc/vsomq270b/Alita_38_01.jpg http://s17.postimg.cc/3q0nixzwb/Alita_39_01.jpg


Re: Conny

Alita AKA Conny
set 40 + bonus set 1

http://s11.postimg.cc/gr1w4v47j/Alita_40_11.jpg http://s11.postimg.cc/gfkfs3nrj/Alita_BS1_001.jpg

That is all I have of Alita. Note that missing pic count may be higher; I have taken into account only the highest pic number I have.


Re: Conny

Jessica AKA Conny
sets 21 - 23

http://s18.postimg.cc/v4m632h0l/Jessica_21_001.jpg http://s18.postimg.cc/kj2ar2ap1/Jessica_22_007.jpg http://s18.postimg.cc/lvjzsy84l/Jessica_23_001.jpg

I don't have sets 2 - 20.


Re: Conny

Jessica AKA Conny
sets 24 - 26

http://s8.postimg.cc/bvgi3581d/Jessica_24_001.jpg http://s8.postimg.cc/b4nrxd5o1/Jessica_25_001.jpg http://s8.postimg.cc/3r8dyelm9/Jessica_26_001.jpg


Re: Conny

Jessica AKA Conny
set 27


That is all I have of Jessica. Note that missing pic count may be higher; I have taken into account only the highest pic number I have.


Re: Conny

set TLS015 - 199 pics (1 missing)

http://s21.postimg.cc/xxiodr337/TLS015_001.jpg http://s21.postimg.cc/qg9gyjdk3/TLS015_100.jpg http://s21.postimg.cc/mim794qqr/TLS015_200.jpg

I will not upload set SPS042 and leave it to rw80.


Re: Conny

unknown set - 56 pics

http://s24.postimg.cc/bw2wtrzpd/IMG_8561.jpg http://s24.postimg.cc/hlj5e35vl/IMG_8586.jpg http://s24.postimg.cc/3pax279mp/IMG_8614.jpg

I would appreciate if someone can identify this set.