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Here is the folder with preview pics for all? of her sets. If anyone has anything not already posted please share. Just a few of the sets that are missing are featured below.
Pass - [email protected]
The end of what I have.
yoyoorso, You are awesome. Thank you very much.
Check Set 20 off of the list.
Pass - [email protected]
FWIW I don't think Sima was ever C&G, she just had similar-looking domain name. See:
External link
I don't know bob1202 - Zuzka was in my C&G folder, but Mata was not.....I don't know if I should move her there or not......hopefully some knowledgable people will enlighten us
I don't know bob1202 - Zuzka was in my C&G folder, but Mata was not.....I don't know if I should move her there or not......hopefully some knowledgable people will enlighten us
Thanks for Sima gruffteddybear!!
Zuzka and Sima were models from Teen-Media, not from CH&G.
Check this: External link
Plus, both have more sets from another Teen-Media's site: External link
Thanks for the info. I made the mistake of taking someones word. I should have followed Will Rogers famous quote "I only believe half of what I read, and none of what I hear".
I went through my archives and found a "few" more Sima sets.
Be patient, there's more coming.
no password
Thank you very much. it is greatly appreciated.
You're welcome.
Here's another batch. Too bad that set 43 isn't complete, but better a few pics (just 28 of at least 69) than none at all.
no password
More tomorrow...
The next 3 sets. Again one set (#45) isn't complete (at least 18 pics missing), but still worth a look.
no password
Hiya Gruff!
I have all the missing sets, which I will proceed to upload if you would like me to.
To confirm what I believe to be missing are - correction :-
26 - 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 53 - 76.
Here are my first set of posts here, I hope you like them! - Sima Sets 26,27 & 28
Password - teefuk
I'm trying to fill Gruff's blanks, so here's group 2 - Sima sets 29,30 & 33.
Password - teefuk
Edit : set 33 is replaced later in the topic
Sorry gruffteddybear, I even had prepared a list what you already uploaded, just forget to check it thoroughly.
Hi teefuk, I have already uploaded sets 53 to 59 and set 73 and will post them now, so I can save you some time.
External link
no password
My last 2 complete sets, 59 and 73.
External link
no password
And before I forget, thanks Teefuk for filling my Sima collection.
@hahahatschi - My pleasure, always good to give something back!
Ok, here are some more - Sima 60 & 61
Password - teefuk
@hahahatschi - thanks for your saving me some effort - much appreciated.
Next 3 sets - Sima 62, 63 & 64.
Password - teefuk
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