1 (edited by lolitalover1 2012-01-05 00:55:47)

Topic: Webe Dominique

There must be a god out there that can help ease my pain? Been looking for sets of Dominique/Celeste for a long time with no luck whatsoever! I'm not positive but she mighta been a webe model. Any info is appreciated. I believe these pics are previews from sets 28-46 plus unknown pic. Pic 29 had the celeste-model.com label.

28http://s18.postimage.org/by1kdyw79/dominique28.jpg 29http://s7.postimage.org/oqh1h6yzb/dominique29.jpg 30http://s18.postimage.org/v738hq5qd/dominique30.jpg
31http://s15.postimage.org/i58d0e2jr/dominique31.jpg 32http://s16.postimage.org/ecy1c51td/dominique32.jpg 33http://s13.postimage.org/4x4dtpfmb/dominique33.jpg
34http://s13.postimage.org/i3yf6z0pf/dominique34.jpg 35http://s11.postimage.org/guoyb0rv3/dominique35.jpg 36http://s13.postimage.org/mxi6btx77/dominique36.jpg
37http://s17.postimage.org/s2x5yoebf/dominique37.jpg 38http://s17.postimage.org/s5h1lihyz/dominique38.jpg 39http://s9.postimage.org/6t1qis38r/dominique39.jpg
40http://s7.postimage.org/70jy9was7/dominique40.jpg 41http://s7.postimage.org/71tw3bclz/dominique41.jpg 42http://s15.postimage.org/5s9ri2xyf/dominique42.jpg
43http://s16.postimage.org/sbzc2cghd/dominique43.jpg 44http://s18.postimage.org/mswsl4jgl/dominique44.jpg 45http://s13.postimage.org/63mmh3p03/dominique45.jpg
46http://s16.postimage.org/3ny4p3u5t/dominique46.jpg unknownhttp://s10.postimage.org/69011wf7p/dominique_hottie.jpg


Re: Webe Dominique

Can any1 help with this model?


Re: Webe Dominique

She was a webe model as Celeste, I think, but I don't know a thing about the Dominique part of her modeling career. I used to have all the prvs of Celeste, which I lost in an earlier hdd crash  sad  So I'm glad you brought these up big_smile , but unfortunately I can't help you out here  : neutral ... honestly: good luck!

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.


Re: Webe Dominique

lolitalover1 wrote:

I'm not positive but she mighta been a webe mode

Barbara wrote:

She was a webe model as Celeste, I think

Dominique definitely was a Webe model. I don't know if she was also Webe Celeste, but Celeste had dark hair. Of course, people can dye their hair, so I don't know.


Re: Webe Dominique

By the way, I also would love to get Dominique's sets. And, hey, why not Celeste, too, eh?

Does anyone have any of these sets????


Re: Webe Dominique

Sorry don't have that too.
Maybee the DrP have a look in the magicalmedicinebag

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Re: Webe Dominique

maatRe wrote:

Sorry don't have that too.
Maybee the DrP have a look in the magicalmedicinebag

yeah hopefully i'll just sit back and wait to see if DrP is my white knight


Re: Webe Dominique

I have previews for her first 47 sets only


Re: Webe Dominique

Lydon wrote:

I have previews for her first 47 sets only

i have some previews as well but would appreciate yours as i don't have all 47 ...and thanks in advance


Re: Webe Dominique

lolitalover1 wrote:

i have some previews as well but would appreciate yours as i don't have all 47 ...and thanks in advance

Ok, I'll start a thread and maybe someone will see it and post the sets