Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Katie - Undressing by Richard Murrian (June 2002)

http://img276.imagevenue.com/loc390/th_755451536_logo_123_390lo.jpg http://img28.imagevenue.com/loc476/th_755475936_mosteroticteens_06_000276_123_476lo.jpg http://img252.imagevenue.com/loc245/th_755490205_mosteroticteens_06_000297_123_245lo.jpg

36 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Freedom by Ronin (October 2003)

http://thumbnails104.imagebam.com/22287/801bcd222867107.jpg http://thumbnails102.imagebam.com/22287/85308f222867108.jpg http://thumbnails106.imagebam.com/22287/1794c9222867109.jpg

20 images

Just to let you know: I am only posting a selection of my early MET sets (before 2004). Please feel free to ask if you miss something...

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

A Mixed Series by Ronin (August 2002)

http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/22287/b7db21222868597.jpg http://thumbnails101.imagebam.com/22287/715cc1222868599.jpg http://thumbnails106.imagebam.com/22287/6f1351222868601.jpg

43 images, incomplete!

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Takya A - Mademoiselle by Roy Stuart (March 2003)

http://img283.imagevenue.com/loc240/th_648244730_logo_123_240lo.jpg http://img250.imagevenue.com/loc502/th_648247932_met_art_rs_0003_0008_123_502lo.jpg http://img28.imagevenue.com/loc241/th_648249725_met_art_rs_0003_0044_123_241lo.jpg

47 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

The Real World [01-03] by Roy Stuart (2003)

http://img257.imagevenue.com/loc374/th_648691922_logo_123_374lo.jpg http://img224.imagevenue.com/loc719/th_648698767_met_art_rs_0004_0011_123_719lo.jpg http://img249.imagevenue.com/loc56/th_464870579_met_art_rs_0004_0040_123_56lo.jpg

63 images; probably incomplete...

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Elettra [01 & 02] by Roy Stuart (2003)

http://img269.imagevenue.com/loc515/th_649125611_logo_123_515lo.jpg http://img288.imagevenue.com/loc229/th_649133497_met_art_rs_0005_0004_123_229lo.jpg http://img188.imagevenue.com/loc120/th_649144643_met_art_rs_0005_0069_123_120lo.jpg

77 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Takya A - Libertas [01 & 02] by Roy Stuart (2003)

http://img154.imagevenue.com/loc81/th_649474361_logo_123_81lo.jpg http://img158.imagevenue.com/loc104/th_649479663_met_art_rs_0006_0004_123_104lo.jpg http://img208.imagevenue.com/loc380/th_649483641_met_art_rs_0006_0045_123_380lo.jpg

55 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Keiko - Minako Unshaven by Roy Stuart (May 2003)

http://img265.imagevenue.com/loc34/th_649898354_logo_123_34lo.jpg http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc1105/th_649909942_met_art_rs_k_0008_123_1105lo.jpg http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc163/th_649920659_met_art_rs_k_0040_123_163lo.jpg

55 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008


"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Veronique - France (December 1999)

http://img268.imagevenue.com/loc597/th_046227720_mosteroticteens001_123_597lo.jpg http://img242.imagevenue.com/loc441/th_046228980_mosteroticteens013_123_441lo.jpg http://img146.imagevenue.com/loc468/th_046229131_mosteroticteens014_123_468lo.jpg

14 images, no cover!

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Victoria (November 1999)

http://img182.imagevenue.com/loc155/th_047022700_mosteroticteens000_123_155lo.jpg http://img197.imagevenue.com/loc3/th_504702762_mosteroticteens005_123_3lo.jpg http://img234.imagevenue.com/loc592/th_047034716_mosteroticteens015_123_592lo.jpg

20 images, no cover!

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Roxy Carter - Nastassja by Victor Lindenborn (October 2003)

http://img279.imagevenue.com/loc407/th_176647941_logo_123_407lo.jpg http://img289.imagevenue.com/loc434/th_176654264_met_art_vl_0003_0005_123_434lo.jpg http://img277.imagevenue.com/loc48/th_176659244_met_art_vl_0003_0037_123_48lo.jpg

44 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Roxy Carter - Nastassja - Romance by Victor Lindenborn (November 2003)

http://img237.imagevenue.com/loc210/th_177020217_logo_123_210lo.jpg http://img225.imagevenue.com/loc609/th_177027423_met_art_vl_0004_0002_123_609lo.jpg http://img282.imagevenue.com/loc563/th_177042808_met_art_vl_0004_0056_123_563lo.jpg

60 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Roxy Carter - Itaca by Victor Lindenborn (November 2003)

http://img149.imagevenue.com/loc71/th_177403189_logo_123_71lo.jpg http://img128.imagevenue.com/loc194/th_177409765_met_art_vl_0005_0008_123_194lo.jpg http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc1091/th_177421475_met_art_vl_0005_0026_123_1091lo.jpg

31 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Valeria Marini (February 2000)

http://img247.imagevenue.com/loc133/th_177828717_logo_123_133lo.jpg http://img11.imagevenue.com/loc178/th_177829352_mosteroticteens002_123_178lo.jpg http://img31.imagevenue.com/loc68/th_177831167_mosteroticteens015_123_68lo.jpg

32 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Zenia (March 2000)

http://img106.imagevenue.com/loc382/th_178808968_logo_123_382lo.jpg http://img11.imagevenue.com/loc232/th_178814238_mosteroticteens021_123_232lo.jpg http://img170.imagevenue.com/loc202/th_178829600_mosteroticteens027_123_202lo.jpg

40 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Showgirls by Anais Demois (July 2002)

http://img15.imagevenue.com/loc432/th_265643378_logo_123_432lo.jpg http://img227.imagevenue.com/loc343/th_265658713_met_art_07_001206_123_343lo.jpg http://img175.imagevenue.com/loc253/th_265678411_met_art_07_001221_123_253lo.jpg

35 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Adele D - Suspiria - by Anais Demois (December 2003)

http://img259.imagevenue.com/loc533/th_266193469_logo_123_533lo.jpg http://img244.imagevenue.com/loc389/th_266198571_met_art_ad_0030_0014_123_389lo.jpg http://img23.imagevenue.com/loc598/th_266205459_met_art_ad_0030_0040_123_598lo.jpg

42 images

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Adele D - Best Kept Secret by Anais Demois (November 2003)

http://img41.imagevenue.com/loc133/th_266592656_logo_123_133lo.jpg http://img13.imagevenue.com/loc62/th_266600558_met_art_ad_bks_0029_123_62lo.jpg http://img288.imagevenue.com/loc472/th_266606614_met_art_ad_bks_0039_123_472lo.jpg

40 images

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295 (edited by DrPepper 2012-12-13 07:25:24)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

fiatlux, I just wanted to say how impressed I am with these postings. I too have been following it and comparing with what I have, which is not that good for the early years. It's these older sets that I collect more then the newer ones like Newstar or whatever else that is the fancy of the day. Makes me a bit of a history buff you could say.

I have no idea how I am going to find a easy way to compare your postings with what I have since you have yours in a numerical order that jumps around to different years. I will figure out something, but in any case I just wanted to say don't give up on this thread and just keep plugging along at your own pace. That's how I do my posts.

In my opinion, a lot of people don't know what they are missing by your posts, because these truly are hard to find sets.  Keep up the excellent work!! big_smile

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296 (edited by fiatlux 2012-12-13 22:07:18)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

DrPepper, thank you for your words. I am completely with you that a lot of people don't understand what they are missing.

Some words about my "jumping around posting": The numbers of the zips are just the numbers I gave them to avoid "speaking" file names. My problem is that I have gigs of stuff sorted by folder names like "d_v - Venusians". What I do is as follows: I select a folder, view any single picture in it and then the work starts. I consult the internet (especially thenude.eu) to find out the name of the set, the model, the photographer and the date and picture count for that set. I add this information to the folder's name. If the cover is missing I add it, too.

Therefore it is not possible to post either date or model based. Sorry for that. But anyway it's quite a lot of work and I appreciate the friendly comments that keep me going on.  big_smile

So if you want to compare: The only way I see is either by the set name or the cover...

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297 (edited by DrPepper 2012-12-13 22:44:27)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Ya, there really is no easy way to do this I know, but I am still downloading each set you have posted. I have missed a few though that are now dead but I think I have them which is why I passed them up then changed my mind to download them anyway... a bit to late though. It's not many just a few but no big deal.

I just wanted you to know what a hell of a job you are doing and a tough one at that. I'm gonna add this post for you in case you don't have it. It will help others who have downloaded these put them in context as to which sets they may be missing.

Opens in "Word"

1999-2006 MET set index


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

DrPepper wrote:

1999-2006 MET set index

Thanks for the index! I have one but not as far as complete as yours seems to be after a quick view!  smile

And if you need some re-ups just let me know, also if you miss a particular set which hasn't been posted up to now...

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Thanks for the offer fiatlux. I can't think of any at the moment that I need because I haven't even begun to compare our sets. I move about as fast as a turtle with a broken leg so it may be awhile.

Just keep posting away and I will be happy camper! big_smile


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Katerina F - Nirvana by Anais Demois (Feburary 2003)

http://img5.imagevenue.com/loc73/th_566436320_logo_123_73lo.jpg http://img253.imagevenue.com/loc93/th_664373405_met_art_0203_00403_123_93lo.jpg http://img239.imagevenue.com/loc539/th_664381154_met_art_0203_00471_123_539lo.jpg

62 images

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