Topic: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Early Sets From MET  &  Met-Art


This Topic is for early MET and MET-Art sets up to @ 2007.

I will move a lot of posts here from the older generic Topic.

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

3 Replacements.

Goldie A - 001 Presenting 2007-07-04 Met-Art

     75.0Mb.   148 images.

http://s15.postimg.cc/5ahfm0dw7/p162e89th711fb2rf19ke1t9q1fto1.jpg  http://s3.postimg.cc/jskp56ixr/p162e8aom312tc7us51r1h21ha65.jpg  http://s14.postimg.cc/vcht2weil/p162e8bbho14tr10fg19ujq4b1sii9.jpg

Pass: forum.onlyhot.net

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

3 users like this post3 likes


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Goldie A - Achtis   2007-07-12   Met-Art

   23.9Mb.    176 images.

http://s11.postimg.cc/l3at56nqn/p162e8k2mbh8p1m6s1q8bc16pah1.jpg  http://s11.postimg.cc/bwsihwii7/p162e8kmu8pai1rsb16p92tu16ql5.jpg  http://s22.postimg.cc/90k1qwspp/p162e8l83ipio47af701ns21k7o8.jpg

Pass: forum.onlyhot.net

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

4 users like this post4 likes


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Goldie A - Vices   2008-10-10   Met-Art

    11.5Mb    110 images.

http://s30.postimg.cc/745u477hp/p162e8tup41493pdjdd63bu14ff1.jpg  http://s28.postimg.cc/pvpq6xfvt/p162e8udvrj4d1bn1160s1e3d13i34.jpg  http://s17.postimg.cc/s3uec1fu3/p162e8up3m12clma21j4h185vj4l7.jpg

Pass: forum.onlyhot.net

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

The following two Rylsky sets and associated comments are "refreshed" from  2014 & 2015.  - It keeps all Goldie sets together.

The images in these RA sets are from 2007-8. It seems she only did 3 sets. Mr Rylsky must miss her.

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

6 (edited by Orion 2016-11-02 09:56:08)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Goldie ~ Portraits  2014-05-26  RA

   18.1Mb.   31 images.

A new compilation of old images - from a favourite model I used to start the Met et al Topic.

http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/49826/e7f2b8498257452.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/49826/4c0c46498257460.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/49826/7af385498257471.jpg

Pass: forum.onlyhot.net

New link 4th August 2016.

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008


Elven Guard wrote:

Goldie ~ Portraits  2014-05-26  RA

Wow, these are very beautiful!  big_smile  Thank you very much!

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

He is fantasizing about Goldie, again. tongue

Goldie & Gillian - Backstage   2015-10-12   RA

http://img227.imagevenue.com/loc74/th_771397518_RA_000r_123_74lo.jpg http://img272.imagevenue.com/loc167/th_771408852_RA_0001_123_167lo.jpg http://img273.imagevenue.com/loc230/th_771421908_RA_0025_123_230lo.jpg http://img242.imagevenue.com/loc175/th_771434459_RA_0029_123_175lo.jpg

Pass: forum.onlyhot.net

New link 4th August 2016.

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."

3 users like this post3 likes

9 (edited by Orion 2019-09-15 01:21:49)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

MET – “Eve Part 3”


http://s1.postimg.cc/h33knzzqj/p162g5qv3j770107a11ie95g1tri3.jpg  http://s18.postimg.cc/kw2nqvd1x/p162g5sg9tgln46t6bm198h1h16.jpg  http://s27.postimg.cc/c2pcsdb1r/p162g5u4a4vvp1al1er17v31jv59.jpg

Set Replaced 2019: https://forum.onlyhot.net/post413425.html#p413425

This set dates from 2002, when MET-Art was still just MET, (It is reflected in the smaller, lower quality images.)
The set was reissued with a MET-ART logo so Eve must have survived the site name change that also apparently included a clean-out of younger models. (As told to me by MetArtfan when I tried to find another early MET model set.)
I have some other random images that may be part of Eve part 1 and 2, but no other full sets beside this.

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Orion wrote:

I am hoping someone like FrontRunner will have a collection of 2001 - 2002 MET sets, like this;


I've found this set in my collection.

1999-10-08 - Mitina Katya - Wings


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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Two Cousins parts 1-4



Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

DrPepper wrote:

Two Cousins parts 1-4

A great start for early MET DrP. I hope for others.  big_smile

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

The Primal Pleasure



Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008



15 (edited by DrPepper 2012-08-24 03:42:57)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Nancy and Tarah - 2 Girls parts 1-2



Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Nata A. Motion parts 1-3


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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Angelika A by Alex Zin - The Missing Files Finally Found (January 2001)
Angelika A by Alex Zin - Sweet Perfect Lolita (May 2001)

http://thumbnails80.imagebam.com/20869/6339c0208684773.jpg http://thumbnails82.imagebam.com/20869/0ae00c208684777.jpg http://thumbnails83.imagebam.com/20869/3b08f6208684784.jpg

84 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Beaches (July 2001)

http://thumbnails21.imagebam.com/20869/42c6d4208687738.jpg http://thumbnails80.imagebam.com/20869/e4541c208687743.jpg http://thumbnails62.imagebam.com/20869/92d141208687785.jpg

146 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Orion wrote:

Thanks fiatlux.


Presenting Francesca (November 2001) (probably by Alex Zin)

http://thumbnails83.imagebam.com/20871/1325b0208703161.jpg http://thumbnails49.imagebam.com/20871/acf352208703172.jpg http://thumbnails60.imagebam.com/20871/bfcd5b208703180.jpg

36 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net

20 (edited by fiatlux 2016-11-02 09:00:40)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

The concept (June 2001)

http://thumbnails48.imagebam.com/20884/11d790208830849.jpg http://thumbnails65.imagebam.com/20884/9032d9208830853.jpg http://thumbnails82.imagebam.com/20884/3feed6208830858.jpg

84 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net

21 (edited by fiatlux 2015-04-20 20:22:58)

Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Katia (2000-09-24)

http://thumbnails85.imagebam.com/20884/bd302c208835239.jpg http://thumbnails41.imagebam.com/20884/f73e92208835244.jpg http://thumbnails59.imagebam.com/20884/f93d8f208835246.jpg

110 pictures

Edit: Download link replaced 2015-04-20

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Undressing Natalia (December 2000)

http://thumbnails80.imagebam.com/20884/7c5b91208836399.jpg http://thumbnails20.imagebam.com/20884/f4e0ff208836404.jpg http://thumbnails57.imagebam.com/20884/0e619b208836405.jpg

145 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Sandrine (September 2001)

http://thumbnails55.imagebam.com/20884/aca610208837554.jpg http://thumbnails60.imagebam.com/20884/4c5ae9208837555.jpg http://thumbnails50.imagebam.com/20884/2d531d208837562.jpg

106 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net

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Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Sirio by Alex Zin (April 2003)
Sirio Part II by Alex Zin (May 2003)

http://thumbnails51.imagebam.com/20885/b922f8208840481.jpg http://thumbnails64.imagebam.com/20885/207d85208840483.jpg http://thumbnails85.imagebam.com/20885/fe964c208840486.jpg

190 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Early MET & Met-Art - Pre 2008

Asian Angels (February 2000)

http://thumbnails31.imagebam.com/20886/dd322a208851202.jpg http://thumbnails39.imagebam.com/20886/808583208851204.jpg http://thumbnails20.imagebam.com/20886/cc058f208851206.jpg

44 pictures

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net