1 (edited by animosityfish 2011-07-07 08:24:49)

Topic: Felicitas



President of the Plague of Extraordinary Posters

Do not ask how I get Internet in the Ocean, just know that it is very hard to do

3 users like this post3 likes


Re: Felicitas

Felicitas Xmas Set
56 Pix


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Re: Felicitas

Found on my HDD:

Felicitas - Bikini

http://s4.postimage.org/hxzmb9lw/Felicitas_Bikini_001.jpg http://s4.postimage.org/hy19um3o/Felicitas_Bikini_004.jpg http://s4.postimage.org/hy2xdylg/Felicitas_Bikini_016.jpg

Felicitas - Xmas - 112 pics


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Re: Felicitas

Thanks, Gruff! I'm prizing anything from this girl!

(And AF, of course! I'm mostly a lurker, but you are a great poster and basically introduced me to this girl. Your contributions are already legendary in my eyes)

That's what gets iffy... when you've lurked for so long, one thanks means you suddenly have to recognize everyone else - Orion, Lurker, AF, Skynnner, Maatre, newbee, etc... everyone I've forgotten... Everyone that has built this board and the chan before? You all rock.

Random post regretting my previous lack of thanks to those pillars of the community, therefore hiding my initial intention....

Thank you AF for introducing me to this girl, thanks for anyone adding to the initial sets (Skynner, Gruff), and sorry for my rambling post to anyone else wink

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5 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-20 10:12:04)

Re: Felicitas

Reup OP Guppy 62 img

http://s1.postimage.org/1bfx05rd0/felicitas_playboy04.jpg http://s1.postimage.org/1bfynp3us/felicitas_playboy41.jpg http://s1.postimage.org/1bg0b8gck/felicitas_playboy47.jpg

Edit: set name is Playboy

usual pass: ham@forum.onlyhot.net

So, if you want to post here some content you are welcome …
read the rules and the FAQ about posting … if you are not sure about your posting ask here: http://forum.onlyhot.net/topic590-is-th … -post.html

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Re: Felicitas

From my research, she did like 100 sets but her site was hidden/obscure and not very popular so only ~20 sets or so actually made it out via ex-members and those are the ones that keep getting reposted. I wonder if anyone has the rest. Probably exists out there on like 1-2 of the ex-member's hard drives but they won't share it. What a shame. By the way, all links in this thread are dead except the last 3 or so. hmm


Re: Felicitas

aitte wrote:

By the way, all links in this thread are dead except the last 3 or so.

aitte, if you need sets that have dead links, you can ask for a re-up in the appropriate Link Replacement Request topic (is stickied per section).

Thanks to all Photographers, the OP's, Mother Nature and Father Time !

8 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:05:33)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Baseball Bat
113 pics - 28,10 MB

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/996abb425774504.jpg http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/42578/d37901425774552.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/adec6a425774611.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

6 users like this post6 likes

9 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:06:16)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

61 pics - 14,77 MB

http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/cdb1f6425775615.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/65fc6f425775618.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/078cfa425775625.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

7 users like this post7 likes

10 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:06:51)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Black & Red
56 pics - 8,79 MB

http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/155d10425775884.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/1d46ba425775893.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/202ca7425775895.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

5 users like this post5 likes

11 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:07:29)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Blue Gloves
58 pics - 18,92 MB

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/5f1cc3425776112.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/ced383425776133.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/3eb52e425776140.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

5 users like this post5 likes

12 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:08:00)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

16 pics - 4,14 MB

http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/3069ea425776449.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/726f7d425776465.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/19a91c425776489.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

4 users like this post4 likes

13 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:08:27)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

79 pics - 22,01 MB

http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42578/d10e78425778297.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/fe67af425778358.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42578/a1ed0b425778411.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

4 users like this post4 likes

14 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:08:56)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

SeeThrough Blouse
56 pics - 42,35 MB

http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/42579/f0c443425780507.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/b80c8a425780532.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/d89084425780551.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

5 users like this post5 likes

15 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:09:25)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Snoopy (Part 1)
65 pics - 94,30 MB

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/6d8a13425781420.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/96703f425781467.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/628b81425781505.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

4 users like this post4 likes

16 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:09:51)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Snoopy (Part 2)
60 pics - 77,04 MB

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/1db835425781868.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/5cd0e0425782082.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/088bd8425782261.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

4 users like this post4 likes

17 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:10:25)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

60 pics - 38,39 MB

http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/648998425783660.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/740f91425783704.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/f3430f425783742.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

12 users like this post12 likes

18 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:10:50)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Hot Pants
77 pics - 48,46 MB

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/0d7f61425784389.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/b0a16a425784424.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/ad0b0e425784429.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

5 users like this post5 likes

19 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:11:20)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Kiss Me
25 pics - 3,64 MB

http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/c029d1425784825.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/9fdba5425784838.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/bf026e425784851.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

7 users like this post7 likes

20 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:11:51)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

45 pics - 9,41 MB

http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/42579/554e36425785331.jpg http://thumbnails114.imagebam.com/42579/d223fa425785347.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42579/dcf344425785359.jpg



Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

5 users like this post5 likes

21 (edited by Barbara 2020-09-24 19:12:22)

Re: Felicitas

Replacement. OP is animosityfish

Strip Dance
10:37 - avi - 92,72 MB




Pass: Tulip@forum.onlyhot.net
size information is based on mir.cr.

Link replaced 24-09-2020

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

9 users like this post9 likes


Re: Felicitas

Thank you Barbara for the replacements. smile


Re: Felicitas

Thanks for the sets. I love thie girl


Re: Felicitas

She is so hot, thanks for the posts.


Re: Felicitas

Thanks for the sets