Re: Jana BTM

maatRe wrote:

Next bunch named jana_xxxx
my names are Gallery 43,44,46,48-50, 53-55
17, 32, 1, 7, 48, 46, 52, 52, 53 img very incomplete so additions welcome  smile

Gallery 43, 17 pics: Same to me. At least 1 picture missing  sad

Gallery 44, 32 pics: Same to me.

Gallery 46, 1 pic: This one picture seems to belong to upd300304.

Gallery 48, 7 pics: My set has 54 images. As there were so many pictures missing I'll post it complete:

http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/38894/27d844388934876.jpg http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/38894/0de9ed388934880.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/38894/83b15f388934882.jpg

Gallery 49, 48 pics: Same to me.
Gallery 50, 46 pics: Same to me.

Gallery 53, 52 pics: My set has 73 images. Here are the missing ones:

Gallery 54, 52 pics: Same to me.

Gallery 55, 53 images: Should read 51 images. Same to me.

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Re: Jana BTM

Here is an index for her first 40 sets...

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Re: Jana BTM

Is anybody (but me obviously) having problems opening "cheekymonkeyreturns" 's sets? Neither Winrar nore 7-zip is able to unpack them....


Re: Jana BTM

Therickster wrote:

Is anybody (but me obviously) having problems opening "cheekymonkeyreturns" 's sets? Neither Winrar nore 7-zip is able to unpack them....

I just DL set 9 from ziddu - extracts without problems. !!!!!

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."


Re: Jana BTM

Thanks as always fiatlux for checking and filling some gaps

usual pass: ham@forum.onlyhot.net

So, if you want to post here some content you are welcome …
read the rules and the FAQ about posting … if you are not sure about your posting ask here: http://forum.onlyhot.net/topic590-is-th … -post.html


Re: Jana BTM

Orion wrote:
Therickster wrote:

Is anybody (but me obviously) having problems opening "cheekymonkeyreturns" 's sets? Neither Winrar nore 7-zip is able to unpack them....

I just DL set 9 from ziddu - extracts without problems. !!!!!

I downloaded them from ziddu as well. No problem either with that. But they won't open. Like they seem password-protected.....


Re: Jana BTM

maatRe wrote:

2004 2. bunch

upd010204 79
upd070304 20 10

Here is the missing pic for upd010204:


You posted upd070304 20  with 10 images. My set has 50 images. Here is the complete set:

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Re: Jana BTM

maatRe wrote:

SET_074 45 img
SET_091 70 img

Here are 9 missing pictures for SET_074 as well as two missing pictures for SET_091.

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Re: Jana BTM

Thank you very much for digging fiatlux

usual pass: ham@forum.onlyhot.net

So, if you want to post here some content you are welcome …
read the rules and the FAQ about posting … if you are not sure about your posting ask here: http://forum.onlyhot.net/topic590-is-th … -post.html


Re: Jana BTM

maatRe wrote:

SET_141 3 img

Here is SET_141 with 43 images.

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Re: Jana BTM

The following sets seem to be not posted yet.

Set names and file names are as I found them.

Jana - Gallery 45

http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39032/8378ee390317354.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39032/6fadf2390317355.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39032/4d9b05390317356.jpg

38 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 3

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39032/1a1648390318924.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39032/c2e600390318925.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39032/f3cd60390318927.jpg

24 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 5 (bnous240604)

http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39032/8ad389390319477.jpg http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39032/a887e8390319487.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39032/4a117a390319490.jpg

54 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 6

http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39033/dbff5e390320861.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39033/e04670390320864.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39033/96d042390320866.jpg

61 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 7 (jana180604)

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39033/fa387e390321869.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39033/ac0f83390321875.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39033/afec3a390321877.jpg

55 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 8 (jana180604)

http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39033/6861a5390322787.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39033/e82897390322788.jpg http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39033/689468390322791.jpg

97 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 10

http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39033/6fdfd5390324151.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39033/79f1b3390324153.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39033/3da4e8390324154.jpg

52 images

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43 (edited by fiatlux 2015-02-15 11:55:51)

Re: Jana BTM

Jana - Jana 11

http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39033/070a91390325043.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39033/05f61f390325044.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39033/a306a2390325046.jpg

17 images; last picture corrupted  sad

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd150704_01

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39034/c809af390330038.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39034/aae28a390330039.jpg http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39034/9734e9390330040.jpg

50 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd150704_02

http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39034/0675ae390331033.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39034/29b692390331035.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39034/46b24c390331037.jpg

54 images

De gustibus non est disputandum.
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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd150704_03

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39034/76c4e5390331798.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39034/ae58c4390331799.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39034/1bde57390331800.jpg

53 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd150904_01

http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39034/c98b9a390339081.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39034/a0f1d7390339084.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39034/e4960a390339085.jpg

47 images

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48 (edited by fiatlux 2015-02-15 19:45:48)

Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd300804_01

http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39035/0fc849390343793.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39035/e475d0390343795.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39035/524b8b390343797.jpg

70 images

Jana - upd300804_02

http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39043/6c68ca390426947.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39035/9585e0390344366.jpg http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39035/d4e084390344367.jpg

53 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd300904_01

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39043/f21baf390428409.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39043/1225f9390428410.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39043/e119d8390428411.jpg

113 images

Jana - upd300904_02

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39043/998b84390429522.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/39043/4c90ff390429525.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/39043/865c8d390429543.jpg

60 images

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Re: Jana BTM

Jana - upd301004_01

http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/39044/32d671390431560.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39044/b5b878390431565.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/39044/b77562390431566.jpg

57 images

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