Topic: Christina Model

Christina Model

http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc695/th_644365138_s373_001_123_695lo.jpg  http://img197.imagevenue.com/loc426/th_644370128_s373_029_123_426lo.jpg

Password for my RARS =Gridlock

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Re: Christina Model

Taking on a major undertaking with her dreamteens!  I congratulate you on this massive undertaking with all her sets. Let me know if you want help with this and I will try to help out. I have her first 1000 sets and then I quit after that, so if you don't have the first 300 let me know and... gulp.. I will help. I'll throw on the first 6 sets for ya.

set 1-6

  http://img249.imagevenue.com/loc127/th_020830265_s001_02_123_127lo.jpg http://img169.imagevenue.com/loc711/th_020831268_s002_13_123_711lo.jpg http://img264.imagevenue.com/loc205/th_020831131_s003_00_123_205lo.jpg
http://img127.imagevenue.com/loc198/th_020832291_s004_00_123_198lo.jpg http://img225.imagevenue.com/loc908/th_020833891_s005_24_123_908lo.jpg http://img170.imagevenue.com/loc592/th_020833616_s006_37_123_592lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model

sets 7-12

  http://img103.imagevenue.com/loc1158/th_021105271_s007_04_123_1158lo.jpg http://img31.imagevenue.com/loc438/th_202110591_s008_00_123_438lo.jpg http://img194.imagevenue.com/loc88/th_021106247_s009_04_123_88lo.jpg

http://img222.imagevenue.com/loc884/th_021107947_s010_13_123_884lo.jpg http://img190.imagevenue.com/loc249/th_021107172_s011_20_123_249lo.jpg http://img234.imagevenue.com/loc561/th_202110854_s012_31_123_561lo.jpg


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4 (edited by DrPepper 2012-01-05 02:21:45)

Re: Christina Model

sets 13-18 

  http://img155.imagevenue.com/loc65/th_021413810_s013_00_123_65lo.jpg http://img147.imagevenue.com/loc422/th_021413565_s014_02_123_422lo.jpg http://img43.imagevenue.com/loc111/th_021414458_s015_04_123_111lo.jpg

http://img290.imagevenue.com/loc381/th_021415308_s016_09_123_381lo.jpg http://img217.imagevenue.com/loc1081/th_021415896_s017_09_123_1081lo.jpg http://img285.imagevenue.com/loc576/th_202141681_s018_11_123_576lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model

sets 19-24 

  http://img194.imagevenue.com/loc336/th_022749398_s019_04_123_336lo.jpg http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc677/th_022750457_s020_13_123_677lo.jpg http://img25.imagevenue.com/loc88/th_022750832_s021_14_123_88lo.jpg

http://img13.imagevenue.com/loc514/th_022751751_s022_13_123_514lo.jpg http://img215.imagevenue.com/loc489/th_022752762_s023_04_123_489lo.jpg http://img131.imagevenue.com/loc386/th_022752758_s024_17_123_386lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model

sets 25-30

  http://img104.imagevenue.com/loc192/th_022995887_s025_04_123_192lo.jpg http://img217.imagevenue.com/loc770/th_022996583_s026_03_123_770lo.jpg http://img184.imagevenue.com/loc1107/th_022996197_s027_00_123_1107lo.jpg

http://img191.imagevenue.com/loc551/th_020229974_s028_34_123_551lo.jpg http://img5.imagevenue.com/loc343/th_022998463_s029_26_123_343lo.jpg http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc1128/th_317149220_s030_19_123_1128lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model

sets 37-42

  http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc1101/th_318695369_s039_001_123_1101lo.jpg http://img284.imagevenue.com/loc122/th_318696169_s040_013_123_122lo.jpg http://img244.imagevenue.com/loc523/th_318697968_s041_018_123_523lo.jpg

http://img258.imagevenue.com/loc488/th_318697856_s042_021_123_488lo.jpg http://img138.imagevenue.com/loc406/th_318698535_s043_028_123_406lo.jpg http://img162.imagevenue.com/loc164/th_318699604_s044_013_123_164lo.jpg


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Re: Christina Model

sets 43-48 

  http://img237.imagevenue.com/loc210/th_318995267_s045_002_123_210lo.jpg http://img105.imagevenue.com/loc16/th_318996960_s046_012_123_16lo.jpg http://img191.imagevenue.com/loc486/th_318997283_s047_006_123_486lo.jpg

http://img165.imagevenue.com/loc160/th_318997730_s048_013_123_160lo.jpg http://img140.imagevenue.com/loc588/th_318998616_s049_026_123_588lo.jpg http://img153.imagevenue.com/loc25/th_318999718_s050_012_123_25lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model

sets 49-54

  http://img225.imagevenue.com/loc1129/th_482702158_s051_004_123_1129lo.jpg http://img223.imagevenue.com/loc1081/th_482703897_s052_013_123_1081lo.jpg http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc809/th_482704729_s053_006_123_809lo.jpg

http://img251.imagevenue.com/loc442/th_482704469_s054_001_123_442lo.jpg http://img283.imagevenue.com/loc599/th_482705681_s055_013_123_599lo.jpg http://img178.imagevenue.com/loc511/th_482706635_s056_014_123_511lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model

sets 55-60

  http://img252.imagevenue.com/loc575/th_482956991_s057_001_123_575lo.jpg http://img240.imagevenue.com/loc495/th_482957352_s058_008_123_495lo.jpg http://img176.imagevenue.com/loc439/th_548295757_s059_007_123_439lo.jpg

http://img193.imagevenue.com/loc352/th_482958142_s060_014_123_352lo.jpg http://img131.imagevenue.com/loc505/th_482959536_s061_014_123_505lo.jpg http://img274.imagevenue.com/loc9/th_482960632_s062_011_123_9lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014


Re: Christina Model


  http://img192.imagevenue.com/loc568/th_483433129_s069_019_123_568lo.jpg http://img212.imagevenue.com/loc771/th_483433313_s070_004_123_771lo.jpg http://img256.imagevenue.com/loc158/th_548343416_s071_023_123_158lo.jpg

http://img125.imagevenue.com/loc210/th_483435979_s072_003_123_210lo.jpg http://img255.imagevenue.com/loc230/th_483436756_s073_013_123_230lo.jpg http://img41.imagevenue.com/loc258/th_483436909_s074_045_123_258lo.jpg


Link replaced May 31, 2014

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Re: Christina Model

First of all, thanks to Dr.Pepper for the reups of the first page

I have noted something, actually 2 things.

First one is that there are some pics with strange effects and I don´t know if they are corrupted pics, a consequence of a bad photographer/camera or if they were released that way. Some examples:


The second thing I have noted is that there should be at least 2 missing sets or there is a confusion with set names. Taking Dr.Pepper numbers, up until set 33 everything is ok, but then the pics on set 34 appears to be set 35 based on their filenames, and set 35 pics are set 37 based on their filenames and then every other set on page 1 has the same name confusion: set 36 have set 38 pics according to filenames, set 37 has set 39 pics, etc. Simulacrum sets 139-143 appear to correspond to their pics filenames, so either it is a missunderstanding or there are at least 2 missing sets on page 1

Oh, and here is one of the gifs I was talking about in the reup request:


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Re: Christina Model

Yes, I know about this and mentioned it above in post number 32.

When you reach set number 99 it becomes normal again. I don't know if this was someone messing with set numbers or not. It all seems normal after set 100.


Re: Christina Model

slenderman wrote:

First one is that there are some pics with strange effects and I don´t know if they are corrupted pics, a consequence of a bad photographer/camera or if they were released that way. Some examples:

Those are corruptions in the image data. There are some bits/bytes in the image data that are wrong but not enough to crash the decoder completely. The damaged part is repeated/ignored until it can get back in sync in the data. This is why you can get different grades of corruption from slighly mild ones with just a couple of lines wrong to complete shifts in both image an colors as in your examples. Irritating to say the least. Sorry to say i don't know of any software that can reliably detect these non-critical corruptions. Windows have a built-in image reading library and unless the image is badly corrupted so the decoder crashes the application will never know if there is something wrong with the image. And i suspect most developers use that functionality in their applications.


Re: Christina Model

I have replaced all the links for sets 73-138. Just a few vids to put on here to get them out of the way. I will go back to posting more sets later.

Halee and Christina scene 4 Shiny Bikinis. I have no idea what number this is or if it was part of a dvd rip.



Re: Christina Model



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Re: Christina Model

DrPepper wrote:

Yes, I know about this and mentioned it above in post number 32.

When you reach set number 99 it becomes normal again. I don't know if this was someone messing with set numbers or not. It all seems normal after set 100.

I have checked and set 98 and set 100 are the same set. Well, 98 had 3 missing pics (pics 98, 99 and 100) and set 100 seems complete (100 pics) but the pics are the same, so probably there are 2 missing sets that, according to the image filenames, should be set 34 and set 36

Anyways, thanks for the reups and the vids Dr.Pepper, I´ll be waiting for more if you can big_smile


Re: Christina Model



Download both parts


Re: Christina Model

cmv-063 I'm not sure if this is the correct number or not. I have another vid with the same number.



Re: Christina Model

Thanks for the post, DrPepper. Just for information, all CM videos are about 1 hour long. This cmv-063 video posted is just a scene of the complete video, which has 971 MB and is 1h04min long.


Re: Christina Model

Ahhhh.. thanks for the info Pasq. I don't know anything about these, so any corrections you can make is appreciated. big_smile

Here is another one labeled CMV-063 so it must have been part of the same dvd I take it?


Two parts


Re: Christina Model

Yes, it is.


Re: Christina Model


https://s2.pixxxels.cc/pebh7kyud/s237-005.jpg https://s2.pixxxels.cc/yam9bipgl/s237-016.jpg https://s2.pixxxels.cc/l7qms8z8l/s237-037.jpg

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Re: Christina Model


https://s7.pixxxels.cc/iw2xcbldj/s238-001.jpg https://s7.pixxxels.cc/lrg0j6pdj/s238-020.jpg https://s7.pixxxels.cc/jo5lbipkn/s238-022.jpg

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Re: Christina Model


https://s30.pixxxels.cc/lk140ur2l/s239-001.jpg https://s30.pixxxels.cc/jti2zd9jh/s239-018.jpg https://s30.pixxxels.cc/aaczjnbf1/s239-019.jpg

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