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You must be of legal age in your area to view adult material and agree that you wish to view such material. Misrepresenting your age in order to gain access to the site may be a violation of your local, state, and/or federal laws. By entering the site, you are hereby affirming under penalty of perjury that you are at least 18 years old (or the age of legal majority in the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the site).
Use only multi-host or free host sites for your uploads
UseMultiHotShare or other multi-host site. Use at least 2 mirrors.
Or, use a single non moneymaking link such as Krakenfiles.
Links should not be larger than 500Mb.
I almost did a Barbara and made this a download for those who have at least posted something. I decided to let her warning shot over the bow be sufficient. To at least get some more of you helping with reposting is all we're asking.