The Rules are subject to change at any time.
Please post intelligent, legible messages.
- Post in English to the best of your ability. Please do not excessively use; over-sized text, distracting colours or emoticons.
Multiple login accounts are not allowed.
1. Do not post or request Child Pornography,
- No Child Nudity, or any other illegal or questionable content.
- Do not post or request images of models under 5 years of age.
- Do not post any child abuse photos.
- Do not post any lewd or sexualized comments.
- Do not post guro or BDSM.
- Do not post or discuss any information about illegal activities of models, photographers, etc.
2. Do Not use shortened link nomenclature
- The link Must show the full http:// path name, Not hxxp:// etc.
- Do not use link Protectors.
- Every link must be enclosed with a Spoiler, - The "?" Feature in the post box bar.
3. Use only multi-host sites or a free/non moneymaking site for your uploads
- Use MultiHotShare or other multi-host site. Use at least 2 mirrors. Do not use moneymaking host mirrors only.
- Or, use 2 free hosts such as Krakenfiles or Bayfiles
- Links to files should not be larger than 500Mb. ie split larger files into parts.
- Link protection hosts are not allowed, e.g., etc.
- Images/Videos should where possible not contain any link other than to the original website.
- Use an allowed image host. Do not hotlink an image from any other site.
- DO NOT use single links to money making file or image hosts e.g. depositfiles, filefactory, uploaded, rapidgator, nitroflare, multiupload, imagetwist, imgchili, imgspice, imageporter etc. It will result in a permanent ban.
*pimpandhost image hoster is banned as of January 2020
- There are exceptions only for trusted and V.I.P. members.
- Special amendment:
- Full or Premium Members may, if they choose, use any single money making host in the Nudes Forums. - Beautiful Sexy Women, etc.
4a. Put posts in their proper Forums.
- Every link must have a clickable preview.
- No Fetish Topics, Topics should be about models, not fetishes.
- Do not post more than 6 images in 1 horizontal row.
- Do not post a vertical column of more than 5 images.
- That means a limit of 25 images per post. Otherwise use a .rar/.zip link in an archive/folder.
- Only one large preview image is permitted - at the start of a Topic.
4b. 18-Teens Forum.
- No porn in 18-Teens.
5. Keep all related posts in the same topic.
- Do not create a new topic for a single set when the studio/agency already has a generic topic. If further sets appear a Mod can move them to a Model Topic on request.
- Do not post or request alternatives for existing working links. - If a host does not work in your country, use a proxy.
- Do not ask why Topics or posts are removed or not approved.
6. No advertising, spam, trolling or flooding.
- Opinions; you have the right to like or not like a Forum/Topic/Post/Model etc., but we do not need to know, Negative Comments will be considered as Spam or Trolling.
7. Do not post or request a link to any other boards, forums, chats, blogs, social sites or e-mail addresses, etc.
- Only linking to the artist's original site is permitted.
- posts must not contain any information or additions, to advertise other sites, or that lead to money making links, like text files or clickable URL's.
- Do not request or post any personal information, like real names, occupations, e-mail addresses, facebook links, etc.
- Do not discuss ages of models.
- Do not post candid images of non-models.
- Candid images must not contain any personal information in the image or the accompanying text.
- Do not place external links in your signature line or profile.
8. No requests for new or unknown models outside of /r/.
- Use the correct Request Topic.
- Requests for Link Replacements go in the Link Replacement Requests Topics for each Forum
9. Do Not Re-Post Content From This Forum.
- The restricted access Forums are only visible to members with access. Do not re-post any new or replaced content.
- If we think you re-post content you will receive a minimum one month ban. If you use a Money Making Host you will be perma-banned.
10. Torrent Links
- Links to Torrent files can only be posted by VIP and members
- the link must include a preview.
11. Discussion Forum.
- Site questions and suggestions
- Program and technology questions.
- It is NOT random /b/, keep it relevant
12. Check the Rules Regularly
- The Rules can be modified or added to at any time.
- If in doubt about a Topic or a Post do not assume, ask in the "Is This Model OK To Post" FAQ
The river flows away."