1 (Locked) (edited by Orion 2014-08-26 05:23:52)

Topic: Link Replacement Requests

Post Replacement Requests Here

Please learn and follow the guidelines about making and answering requests!

If you replace dead links, please make new posts with preview pics, and note that it is a Re-up.
After you're done, one of the mods can delete the old posts with dead links.

"The leaves are falling in the stream.
                                       The river flows away."


Re: Link Replacement Requests

Please re-up the 'Galia Smoking' video in Showstars Gala thread.


OP: timberhead

252 (edited by timberhead 2017-11-15 13:06:45)

Re: Link Replacement Requests

mentor wrote:

Please re-up the 'Galia Smoking' video in Showstars Gala thread.


OP: timberhead

Done New post at end of topic.

Anyone may replace any of my posts, as I am no longer able to.


Re: Link Replacement Requests

timberhead wrote:
mentor wrote:

Please re-up the 'Galia Smoking' video in Showstars Gala thread.


OP: timberhead

Done New post at end of topic.

You might want to check your links.


Re: Link Replacement Requests

mentor wrote:

You might want to check your links.

Which links do you mean? The dl links work fine.

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.


Re: Link Replacement Requests

The first link is for 'SSGliSM part 2.'  The second link is for 'chapter235 part 2.'


Re: Link Replacement Requests

mentor wrote:
timberhead wrote:
mentor wrote:

Please re-up the 'Galia Smoking' video in Showstars Gala thread.


OP: timberhead

Done New post at end of topic.

You might want to check your links.

Sorry, It is fixed now. Had part 2 links twice.

Anyone may replace any of my posts, as I am no longer able to.

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Re: Link Replacement Requests

Really no need to apologize for a simple error like that, and thanks.

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Re: Link Replacement Requests

Hello, could someone re-up




OP sungsam.

Thanks smile


Re: Link Replacement Requests

tannin wrote:

Hello, could someone re-up




OP sungsam.

Thanks smile

DONE smile


Re: Link Replacement Requests

I´ll hope to do it well. My first request here.  wink 

This whole thread is completly dead.


All links are down. Ok. I checked not the first sets,because I have them. But I´m pretty sure,that they are dead,too.

Next problem is,that the main poster is(was) maatRe. I saw that he is still inactiv.
But maybe fiatlux or someone else can solve it.

And I can offer one set if it´s missing. I don´t saw it. But I´m not sure to offer this here,too. Or I must offer this in the original thread?



Re: Link Replacement Requests

Wolle123 wrote:

But I´m not sure to offer this here, too. Or I must offer this in the original thread?

If a set is not posted, you can post it in the topic without asking.

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

262 (edited by fiatlux 2017-11-28 20:08:15)

Re: Link Replacement Requests

Wolle123 wrote:


Ok. I checked not the first sets,because I have them.

Wolle123, as you can see this is a quite extensive topic with a lot of different named sets and additional pictures.

You said that you already have some of the sets. Please add the links to the posts which you really need (click on the datestamp of the required post) after checking if they aren't still available. Don't forget the poster's name.


De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Link Replacement Requests

fiatlux wrote:
Wolle123 wrote:


Ok. I checked not the first sets,because I have them.

Wolle123, as you can see this is a quite extensive topic with a lot of different named sets and additional pictures.

You said that you already have some of the sets. Please add the links to the posts which you really need (click on the datestamp of the required post) after checking if they aren't still available. Don't forget the poster's name.


Ok. I will do it later. wink
The problem for me is,that I have found my pics many years ago without any galleryname. A few are calling "bonusxxxxxx,bupdxxxx and updxxxxxx"
The rest is calling anne_0001-anne_1721.
But this is ok for me. It´s the same for me how they are calling. I have 3543 pics of her. But I must find out which sets are missing. wink
Right now,I can say, that I need the complete Ronja sets and the vids.
Till the weekend I´ll show you what I need. Is this ok for you?

Thx for your answere and help  smile

264 (edited by Wolle123 2017-12-14 00:12:31)

Re: Link Replacement Requests

Sorry I had to work in other towns sad
But now I had time for the requests.

http://forum.onlyhot.net/post241650.html#p241650 OP: maatRe sets 56-60
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post241753.html#p241753 OP: maatRe sets 61-67
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post241999.html#p241999 OP: maatRe sets 68-76
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242096.html#p242096 OP: maatRe sets 106-108,110-112
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242522.html#p242522 OP: maatRe sets 113-118
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242524.html#p242524 OP: maatRe sets 121-124,143-145
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242556.html#p242556 OP: maatRe sets 125-130,133-139,141-142
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242691.html#p242691 OP: maatRe sets 146-149,151-152
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242721.html#p242721 OP: maatRe sets 153-158
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242733.html#p242733 OP: maatRe sets 159-164
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242801.html#p242801 OP: maatRe sets 165-167
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post242814.html#p242814 OP: maatRe sets 169-173+bonus-spring

and Chantal

http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243214.html#p243214 OP: maatRe sets 27-30,32-33
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243215.html#p243215 OP: maatRe sets 34-39
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243217.html#p243217 OP: maatRe sets 40-45
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243220.html#p243220 OP: maatRe sets 46-51
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243222.html#p243222 OP: maatRe sets 52-57
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243223.html#p243223 OP: maatRe sets 58-60
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243224.html#p243224 OP: maatRe set with Jana
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243225.html#p243225 OP: maatRe set 2girls
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243229.html#p243229 OP: maatRe Vids:Anne and Roxana bath,chantal,pillow fight with Roxana,Massage with Roxana,Massage with Roxana,MOV03397 Shower
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post243253.html#p243253 OP: fiatlux X-Chantal
http://forum.onlyhot.net/post244689.html#p244689 OP: fiatlux Chantal with Melanie or Jayne

That´s it. I know...a lot of stuff.
But Anne(Ronia,Chantal) is my alltime favorite.

TIA  roll  smile

EDIT: I forgot....all links down wink


Re: Link Replacement Requests

Wolle123 wrote:


Will repost mine and maatRe's sets of Chantal.

Dear mods, is it ok to reconstruct this in a new topic? Complete content was posted by maatRe and me...

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Link Replacement Requests

Hi fiatlux, yes, please go ahead. smile

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

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267 (edited by Orion 2017-12-20 21:38:12)

Re: Link Replacement Requests

fiatlux wrote:
Wolle123 wrote:


Will repost mine and maatRe's sets of Chantal.

Dear mods, is it ok to reconstruct this in a new topic? Complete content was posted by maatRe and me...

Done! big_smile

Dear mods, please remove the old topic.

(New one is here.)

Thanks! smile


De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Link Replacement Requests

Thank you fiatlux for re-posting Chantal!!!

One of the sets is with Melanie (http://forum.onlyhot.net/post186435.html#p186435) Could someone re-up her sets too?


Re: Link Replacement Requests

honkngue wrote:

Thank you fiatlux for re-posting Chantal!!!

One of the sets is with Melanie (http://forum.onlyhot.net/post186435.html#p186435) Could someone re-up her sets too?

About one half of the topic is still online. Please specify which sets you want to be replaced.

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.


Re: Link Replacement Requests

Barbara wrote:
honkngue wrote:

Thank you fiatlux for re-posting Chantal!!!

One of the sets is with Melanie (http://forum.onlyhot.net/post186435.html#p186435) Could someone re-up her sets too?

About one half of the topic is still online. Please specify which sets you want to be replaced.

The links to the mirrors for the following sets are working but there are no downloadable files - so pls re-up these sets (names as posted):

Set 19 & 20
Set 27, 28, 29
Set 30, 31, 32
Set 33, 34, 35
Set 36, 37
Set 38, 39, 40
STM062 (in OP by maatRe it is STM057. He has two sets with this STM057 designation)
Folder 007 - Set 046
Folder 008 - Set 007
Folder 009 - Set 008
Folder 010 - Set 009
Folder 011 - Set 010
Folder 012 - Set 012
X-Nikita - Folder 015 - Set 014
Jayne - STM - Set 043
Jayne - STM - Set 048
Jayne - STM - Set 096
Jayne - XSweets - Set 184
Melanie - BTM - Vid Set
Melanie - MOV07058
Melanie - MOV07734
Melanie - MOV07735

271 (edited by Chiera79 2018-01-02 19:40:43)

Re: Link Replacement Requests

Can any kind soul please reup the following sets:

Lilian 11-16.com set 1  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184807.html#p184807 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 2  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184808.html#p184808 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 3  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184809.html#p184809 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 4  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184816.html#p184816 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 5  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184821.html#p184821 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 6  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184834.html#p184834 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 7  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184837.html#p184837 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 8  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184839.html#p184839 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 9  http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184845.html#p184845 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 10 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184846.html#p184846 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 11 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184847.html#p184847 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 12 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184849.html#p184849 OP:beau
Lilian 11-16.com set 13 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post184850.html#p184850 OP:beau

Lilian - Beauty of Youth - Set 031 (1) and (2) http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185229.html#p185229 OP:fiatlux

Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 1 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185245.html#p185245 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 2 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185250.html#p185250 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 3 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185253.html#p185253 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 4 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185257.html#p185257 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 5 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185260.html#p185260 OP:fiatlux

Thanks for all the sets of Lilian, shes amazing!

*Edited to follow the rules, its not that easy!


Re: Link Replacement Requests

Thanks for editing your request Chiera79, I have moved it to the correct topic.

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.


Re: Link Replacement Requests

honkngue wrote:
Barbara wrote:
honkngue wrote:

Thank you fiatlux for re-posting Chantal!!!

One of the sets is with Melanie (http://forum.onlyhot.net/post186435.html#p186435) Could someone re-up her sets too?

About one half of the topic is still online. Please specify which sets you want to be replaced.

The links to the mirrors for the following sets are working but there are no downloadable files - so pls re-up these sets (names as posted):


honkngue, please add the poster's names to your post. (Re-)Posters are checking for their names in here, they don't look for set names, if there's no name you'll probably get no re-up...

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net

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Re: Link Replacement Requests

Chiera79 wrote:

Can any kind soul please reup the following sets:

Lilian - Beauty of Youth - Set 031 (1) and (2) http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185229.html#p185229 OP:fiatlux

Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 1 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185245.html#p185245 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 2 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185250.html#p185250 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 3 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185253.html#p185253 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 4 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185257.html#p185257 OP:fiatlux
Lilian - GD - CD 01 set 5 http://forum.onlyhot.net/post185260.html#p185260 OP:fiatlux

Done!  big_smile

Dear mods, is beau around? Otherwise I can replace his sets as well.

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Link Replacement Requests

fiatlux wrote:

Dear mods, is beau around? Otherwise I can replace his sets as well.

beau hasn't been seen for over a year.
Go ahead fiatlux smile

The pass is in the spoiler. No pass? Use Kaesebrot.

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