Re: Alexandra BTM

Michelle - YBM - Set 116

Repost; OP: Torch

http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/36798/b43b41367971083.jpg http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/36798/5f555f367971084.jpg http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/36798/5155d6367971086.jpg

55 images

De gustibus non est disputandum.
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Re: Alexandra BTM

Michelle - YBM - Set 117

Repost; OP: Torch

http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/36798/dc461e367971670.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/36798/d000f8367971671.jpg http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/36798/f9b07f367971672.jpg

52 images

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Re: Alexandra BTM

Does anyone know the correlation between the Alexandra and Michelle sites? Where there the same sets?

Sets 111-114 are still missing... Anyone able to help? Are there more sets(> 117)?

My picture 032 from set 102 (Michelle) is corrupted. Does anyone have a non-corrupted version?

Thanks.  smile

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Alexandra BTM

thank you for this collection


Re: Alexandra BTM

REPLACEMENT as requested - OP on onlyhot : gruffteddybear

Alexandra-BTM-049 : 60 img    Alexandra-BTM-050 : 67 img   Alexandra-BTM-051 : 74 img

http://2.t.imgbox.com/SeJvDvJG.jpg http://3.t.imgbox.com/R9OnlnRZ.jpg http://4.t.imgbox.com/eE6OvYSq.jpg

Alexandra-BTM-052 : 76 img    Alexandra-BTM-053 : 56 img   Alexandra-BTM-054 : 64 img

http://1.t.imgbox.com/8pwwWDiw.jpg http://2.t.imgbox.com/vqn9GCaV.jpg http://4.t.imgbox.com/3DdNcQhK.jpg


External link

pass : kittycatforonlyhot

Thanks to all Photographers, the OP's, Mother Nature and Father Time !

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31 (edited by nowitsme123 2016-02-29 13:02:10)

Re: Alexandra BTM

Michelle - YBM - Sets 111-114

First contribution on this great board. Hope I don't mess it up!

Here are Michelle Sets #111 (53 pics), #112 (61 pics), #113 (57 pics) and #114 (62 pics)

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/46830/d3477b468292017.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/46830/8f6752468292020.jpg http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/46830/9837bc468292021.jpg http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/46830/90ea92468292023.jpg

And here is image 032 of Set #102 (as requested by fiatlux - thanks for your great work!)



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Re: Alexandra BTM

Thanks for your contribution, nowitsme123, but unfortunately none of the image thumbs seems to work... Maybe you could try to post them on a different host ?

Thanks to all Photographers, the OP's, Mother Nature and Father Time !


Re: Alexandra BTM

kittycat wrote:

Thanks for your contribution, nowitsme123, but unfortunately none of the image thumbs seems to work... Maybe you could try to post them on a different host ?

I have edited my post. For some weird reason the host-part of the image links disappeared - not sure why. Here are the original links.


image 032
External link

34 (edited by fiatlux 2016-03-01 21:25:27)

Re: Alexandra BTM

nowitsme123 wrote:

Michelle - YBM - Sets 111-114

nowitsme123, I thought it's not enough to "like" your contribution, therefore I wanted to say thank you for supporting this forum (and filling gaps in my collection) with substantial posts! big_smile

Two questions:
Do you have set 034? Mine has 39 images, but without proper file names and numbering. Same to yours?
In my collection Michelle sets start at 095, but 097 is labeled with Alexandra and has strange file names. Same to yours?

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Re: Alexandra BTM

fiatlux wrote:
nowitsme123 wrote:

Michelle - YBM - Sets 111-114

Two questions:
Do you have set 034? Mine has 39 images, but without proper file names and numbering. Same to yours?
In my collection Michelle sets start at 095, but 097 is labeled with Alexandra and has strange file names. Same to yours?

1) My set 034 also has 39 images, with irregular numbering scheme Dsc00001-00032,Dsc09990-09999

2) I do have a set 097 which is labeled with Michelle - but it's basically the same as the one posted earlier by DrPepper (56 pics total, same order, same resolution, only with newer Michelle logo)

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Re: Alexandra BTM

nowitsme123 wrote:

I do have a set 097 which is labeled with Michelle

Thanks for checking! Would you please post this for the collectors? Thanks. smile

De gustibus non est disputandum.
Missing BTM and YBM models on forum.onlyhot.net


Re: Alexandra BTM

fiatlux wrote:

Thanks for checking! Would you please post this for the collectors? Thanks. smile

Michelle - YBM - Set 097

(this is basically the same as Set 97 posted by DrPepper but with Michelle logo and original file names.)

http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/46880/474647468793615.jpg http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/46880/75d2fa468793617.jpg

56 images

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